This idea was inspired by many years of playing soccer on the turf. Chameleon Turf is an adaptive athletic surface that can morph into any type of playing field. The synthetic grass acts as a giant LED screen displaying only the field boundaries that are currently in use. _ Concept, Interactive Design, Environmental Design, Animation |
Lighting company Philips teamed up with carpeting company Desso to create light-up carpet to provide directions, information and decoration. http://www.cnet.com/news/led-light-up-carpet-helps-you-find-your-way/ http://www.gizmag.com/philips-led-carpet/29865/ |
The Solution
Chameleon Turf applies the technology from the LED carpet to display the various lines on the field.
A large touchscreen screen would allow athletes to select the field they wish to display.
Users can choose a field to display
Edit the field's attributes
Create custom compositions and share the turf with other teams